Kamis, 04 Februari 2021

Europages a great pan-european directory


Europages is a leading online directory that caters for the European business community, the company behind the site is called Visable which is a pretty good name for a business seeking to improve the visibility of companies on the internet.

They claim to have 2.4million buyers per month across 15 languages and receive around 3,000 business listing per month. The idea is simply you create a listing in your home country and the site and its team translates that and uses it across 15 other sites which are all in the language of their target audience.

If you are promoting a site online then links from reputables places help to boost your online rankings so have links from 15 good sites is therefore more helpeful than just a single one.

Anyway I tried their service our this week, and it does seem pretty impressive, here are our listings, lets see how many enquiries we get and if these all or indeed any of them get picked up and indexed by the various search engines.

Europages UK - Our own UK market place, this version is focussed onto the UK

Europages CZ - Their Czech site

Europages DK - The Danish version

Europages DE - Targetting the German speaking world, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Europages.org - Estonian

Europages FR - French site

Europages LT - Latvian Site

Europages LI - Lithuanian Site

Europages SE - Swedish orientated directory

Europages IT - Italian version of their site

Europages HU - Hungarian site

Europages ES - Spanish version

Business contacts within the European realm are thriving – and more and more medium-sized companies are leveraging this chance to go global. EUROPAGES can be their sales hub! The uncomplicated user navigation enables suppliers to create a strong company profile in no time at all and collect buyer contacts from all over the world.

Our language service package includes up to 15 different languages. Your text is edited by our experts and professionally translated into all your desired languages.

Offer your products internationally with a presence on the 26 EUROPAGES versions. Your company profile appears to everyone searching on Google and is at the top of the search results – regardless of which language your potential customers are using.

The concept is a good one and of course they have registered the relevent domain name in each of the European markets they operate in, so there is good chance this works reasonable well.

Back in the day, Google hit directories hard, but the ones they targetted were little more than a list of links, whereas Europages seems to be much better than this.

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