Kamis, 04 Februari 2021

Player FM

Player FM or PlayerFM is a podcast discovery and cataloguing service which lists podcasts hosted across different podcast publishing sites. It was created by software designer Michael Mahemoff in 2011

 Player FM helps you discover, download and play podcasts. We love podcasts because they are a great way for people to learn, be entertained and stay informed while on the go. We started with the Player FM web app, which works on desktop, phones, and tablets. And now, we have both the Android and iOS apps too.

Player FM is a widely-used podcast directory and podcast player with over 20 million listed episodes and 90 million users as of 2020.

And while it's vital to get listed in major directories like Apple and Spotify, platforms like Player FM are equally important; they attract podcast enthusiasts and are more search-friendly to independent creators.

Buzzsprout is now fully integrated with Player FM, allowing users to submit their podcast from their dashboard with one click. Let's take a walkthrough of the directory and review of its key features. Then, we'll show you how to list your podcast to the platform!  

Here are some of our podcasts that have reached through to Player FM via buzzsprout.

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Player FM interface & top features

Player FM is available as a web app, Android app, on iOS, and all major operating systems and devices (iPad, iPhone, Chromecast, Android auto, and Android wear.) The player is completely free wherever you use it, with the option to upgrade to premium for bonus features (more on this in a minute.)

The home screen features popular new shows and a search bar at the top to look for content based on title or topic. When you search for a podcast, you'll get a list of sub categories to help narrow your results. The app features over 500 sub-topics, helping users zero in on specific podcasts and making your niche content easier for listeners to find. 

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